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New task type on Redmenta: Creative board

Have you seen our Creative board task type yet? If you haven't already, now is the time to try it out, and develope your students creative skills!

The Creative board not only helps to integrate the material deeper and faster, but in the meantime the students are having fun, using their endless creativity. With the Creative board, students can use the camera of their device, their photos, and they also can draw and write on the board. Therefore, this type of task is suitable for creating montages for instance. But you can ask your students to draw the water molecule or the structure of an articulation, which can then be supplemented with text.

Editing the task is extremely simple:

  • enter the instruction
  • and the maximum reachable score.

It is important that this task type is not automatically evaluated by the system, so after completing it, everyone will automatically receive zero points for this task. The final result must be determined manually in the Results menu for each student.

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In this type of task, the filler will be served with several functions that will help solve the task. What are these functions? Here you can see:

  • Drawing: with the drawing function, the filler can display any figure, concept and creative idea as and in whatever form he/she wants.
  • Eraser: it is natural to make mistakes during a creative process. However, it is always possible to correct errors! In the case of the Creative board, this option is provided by the eraser function.
  • Image uploading: with the image uploading function, users can create montages or make a presentation using photos. With this function, you can also upload your own pictures from your own device. In addition, it is also possible to select images from Unsplash, so it is not necessary to have your own images related to the topic to solve the task.
  • Writing text: with the text function, images and drawings can be supplemented with various explanations, titles, and short descriptions. Or the solution itself can be a text, illustrated by pictures and drawings.
How creative are you? Fill out our demo worksheet and solve a Creative board:

The good news is that by completing it, you can also get to know more types of skill-developing tasks.

If you are curious about how editing and solving of a Creative board looks like in practice, watch our presentation here: