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How to Talk with AI? A Guide to AI Prompting for Teachers

Written by Redmenta Team | Oct 22, 2024 1:22:03 PM

AI is an invaluable tool for teachers. However, knowing how to communicate with AI effectively is crucial to maximising its potential. This AI prompting guide offers practical tips and examples of prompts to help you get the best results from AI in the classroom.


1. Context is Key in AI Prompting

When prompting AI, it's essential to provide clear context - just like when you're introducing yourself to colleagues. The AI needs to know who you are and what you're working on to respond accurately. Include details such as the subject you teach, the grade level, and your teaching objectives. This is a critical part of learning how to prompt AI for your specific needs.


Example Prompt:

I am a History teacher, and I teach 8th-graders. I need a test on the causes of World War I, including multiple-choice and short-answer questions.


By offering a framework, you guide the AI toward producing relevant, targeted results.


2. Be Specific with Your AI Prompts

A common mistake in AI prompting is being too general and vague, with instructions like “I want something for Maths,” or “Give me some questions.” Remember, AI is not a mind reader - it can only work with the information you provide. Prompting AI effectively requires detailed instructions to get the output you need. The more precise your request, the better the results.


Example Prompts:

Instead of: “I want something for Maths.”

Be specific: “Create a worksheet for 7th graders that covers basic algebra concepts, including solving simple equations with one variable.”


Instead of: “I want a lesson plan.”
Be specific: “Create a lesson plan for 8th-grade geography that covers the concept of tectonic plates, including an introduction, three discussion points, and a hands-on activity.”


Instead of: “Give me some questions.”
Be specific: “Create five open-ended questions for a 7th-grade history lesson on Ancient Rome, focusing on the causes of the Roman Empire’s decline and encouraging students to analyse the political and economic factors.”


So, how to prompt AI well? Be specific, and the AI will adapt more accurately to your requirements.


3. Specify Teaching Objectives in AI Prompts

Clearly outlining your teaching objectives helps AI generate materials aligned with your educational goals. Think of it like giving directions - you wouldn’t just say, “Take me somewhere interesting,” unless you want to end up at a place you don’t like. Be clear about what you want students to achieve, and the AI will be your trusty GPS.


Example Prompt:

“I want students to improve their critical thinking skills by analysing historical events. Please create questions that challenge them to compare different perspectives on the causes of World War I.”


Knowing your objectives allows AI to create activities that support your desired learning outcomes. This is another core principle in any guide to AI prompting.


4. Clarify Uploaded Documents for AI

When uploading documents, be explicit about how you want AI to use them. Think of it like sending a document to a colleague - you wouldn’t just drop it in their inbox without some context, right? Effective AI prompting works the same way: give the AI clear instructions about the document, and it will know how to handle your lesson materials correctly, saving you time and effort.


Example Prompt:

“This is a chapter from the geography textbook. Please create five short-answer questions based on key points about climate zones.”


This way, the AI knows exactly how to use the document you've provided.


5. Use Simple, Clear Language

When learning how to prompt AI, simplicity is key. Do not use metaphors or words with ambiguous meanings; the AI might take them too literally or misunderstand. Stick to clear, concise language to get the best results. Additionally, avoid using synonyms for AI - stick to the same wording consistently throughout your prompt. Mixing terms can confuse the AI and lead to inconsistent results.


Example Prompt:

“Create five multiple-choice questions for 10th-grade biology on DNA replication. Focus on the key steps in the process, such as initiation, elongation, and termination.”


Simple, clear instructions are the foundation of effective AI prompting.


6. Provide Examples to Guide AI

Show the AI examples of what you expect. Including examples is a crucial tip in any AI prompting guide because it helps the AI replicate the style or format you’re looking for. Since AI doesn’t "think" like a human, examples serve as a framework that the model can use to mimic patterns, ensuring the output aligns with your desired format or style. 


Example Prompt:

“Here’s a question I like: ‘What is the author’s main argument in this passage?’ Please create three more questions like this.”


This allows the AI to tailor its responses according to your specific preferences.


7. Structure Your AI Prompts Clearly

Just like preparing a handout for a lesson, structuring your AI prompts makes everything run more smoothly. Use formatting tools like headings (“###”) and emphasis (“***”) to highlight essential details when prompting AI. Think of it as giving your instructions a bold, neon sign, so nothing important gets missed. 


💡 Guidelines for Structuring AI Prompts:

  • Use Headings for Sections: Use “###” to clearly mark different sections of your request. This helps the AI organise the task and prevents any confusion about what you want.
  • Emphasise Critical Elements: Use “***” to highlight important details like word counts, types of questions, or specific focus areas.
  • Be Consistent: Keep your structure and vocabulary consistent throughout the prompt. If you use a specific format once, stick with it to help the AI recognize patterns.
  • Break Down the Task: Use bullet points to break down complex instructions into manageable steps. This helps both you and the AI stay on track.


Example Prompt:

- ### Title: Water Cycle Worksheet for 5th Graders ###

   - Create a ***200-word reading passage*** explaining the water cycle.

 - Include ***3 multiple-choice questions*** focused on evaporation and condensation.

  - ***Ensure the language is age-appropriate*** for 5th-grade students.

 - ***Make one question about the importance of the water cycle*** to life on Earth.


In this example:

- The ### Title ### clearly signals the overall task or section heading.

- The *** is used to emphasise the critical elements that should be included in the worksheet (like the word count, question types, and key focus areas).


By following these simple guidelines, you’ll prevent the AI from having to "wing it" with vague instructions. Structured prompts lead to structured responses, making your life easier!


8. Treat It Like a Conversation: Ask for Changes!

Just like chatting with a colleague, you can always ask the AI for changes - it’s not a one-and-done situation. If the AI’s first response isn’t quite what you had in mind, don’t worry! Think of it as a conversation where you guide the AI toward what you really need. The key is to be direct and specific about what you want to change. General feedback like “I don’t like it” won’t help much - be clear and to the point.


💡 Tips for Asking for Changes:

  1. Be Specific: Tell the AI exactly what isn’t working and what you want instead. It’s like giving feedback to a student - clear, actionable steps work best.
  2. Focus on the Issue: Pinpoint what you’d like to change. Is it the question type? The tone? The level of difficulty?
  3. Offer a Solution: Suggest an alternative so the AI knows how to adjust its response.


Example Prompts:

Instead of: "This doesn't work for me."
Try: "Replace the multiple-choice questions with open-ended ones that encourage critical thinking."


Instead of: "This isn't what I wanted."
Try: "This quiz is too easy for my advanced students. Make the questions more challenging by focusing on higher-order thinking skills."


Instead of: "It’s too formal."
Try: "The language in these instructions feels too formal for 5th graders. Please make it more engaging and age-appropriate."


Remember, you’re having a back-and-forth conversation with the AI, and every request helps it learn more about what you need. Don’t be afraid to ask for exactly what you want!


Conclusion: A Guide to AI Prompting for Teachers

Mastering how to prompt AI effectively is a game-changer for teachers, but remember, AI isn’t a replacement for you - it’s a powerful tool to enhance your teaching, not take it over. By providing specific, detailed, and structured prompts, you’ll get the most from AI, but sometimes the key to success is asking the AI what went wrong in the prompt itself. Use these tips as your AI prompting guide, and always keep in mind: clear instructions lead to better outcomes. 

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